Create tasks at any level of complexity
Assign tasks intuitively using visual breakdown tools. Easily create simple and complex tasks, control their execution. Never miss key progress details.
Say you are in charge of a big multi-stage task to be delegated to several people. In Organaza you can break this task down into any number of sub-tasks linked to the original task. Your people will be able to revise estimated effort and, if necessary, set the subtask sequence. You will gain a clear understanding of your top task scope-of-work and its timeframes in view of other tasks: all this data will be used to build the Gantt chart.
Trying to implement a big and complex task over a short time period people may miss something from the extensive scope. Organaza offers embedded TODO checklists to make sure every minor detail is in place.
From OPEN to RESOLVED in no time
Never get off your path
Enjoy flexible prioritization tools to stay in tune with your team. Focus on what's really important right now.
In traditional systems, prioritization is limited to a discrete "priority" field. This may be confusing, making the choice between same-priority tasks really time-consuming. In Organaza each priority change and task movement between versions triggers automatic re-calculation of deadlines and resources. So you can always see what's the real priority at a given point!
Never miss the right moment to act
Built Gantt charts automatically based on your tasks and priorities to see the up-to-date forecast and take the right decision in time.
However often Gantt charts are used for project planning, they are never up to the point. What the executives see is a somewhat idealized Gantt chart, but they are often unaware that the field staff is already off the chart. In Organaza Gantt charts are built dynamically based on atomic task status. Hence the charts are always up-to-date, whether the people are within deadlines or not, with expected deadline misses alerted in real time.
Crystal clear progress
Evaluate your opportunities realistically
Use our intuitive workload management tools to clearly see who is busy and who is not and take decisions based on the actually available workforce.
A well-composed project schedule is never met, as resources are always a shortage. Hence the deadlines are missed and firefighting methods are used taking people off other projects. Our Gantt chart takes account of actual resource availability for the project so you always have a true picture.
People are involved in several projects at a time, but Manager of Project A is simply unaware of people’s workload under projects "B" or "C". Our system tracks staff workload across all their projects, giving a true picture without going deep into other products and projects.
Stay on top of your game
Communication center consolidates all your project events in a single stream. Never miss important details and quickly respond to any new challenges.
Have you ever tried to collect all details about the task going through messenger logs, e-mails and task comments? We have no doubts your answer would be "Yes"). So we are happy to offer you a seamlessly integrated and easy-to-use teamwork system to centralize all your corporate communications.